2022 has been a busy year for improvement work across all sites. The picture above shows the final window being install into a top floor flat at Bonner House, bring to a close the work of fitting new double glazing units at both Taylor House & Bonner House before the colder weather set in. In the case of Taylor House this work has also included a full internal redecoration, and the fitting of new carpet throughout.
Taylor House can watch out for replacement curtains, and prepare for the disruption that the installation of a new lift will bring, work that is expected to be completed before the year is out.
Other sites have not been neglected, with Brooke Road bungalows having new soffits and fascia boards fitted over the summer, and both Johnson Road and Brooke Road bungalows receiving improved loft insulation. DRH and SAC have both seen low-energy lighting improvements, and WDH has also benefited from a full redecoration of the communal areas.